an hour ago by whoisburbansky

Popped in expecting JS code procedurally generating and solving the mazes on the fly, but it looks like the page just pulls animated GIFs of pre-generated maze solutions?

There are only two GIFs in the `/mazes/L40` directory, so now I'm lost as to how the query parameters in the `img src` determine which maze solution is used.

7 minutes ago by reflexe

I feel cheated now

an hour ago by cscheid

If you enjoyed that, you'll probably also enjoy the "Maze Generation" section of Mike Bostock's Visualizing Algorithms talk:

25 minutes ago by ashtonbaker

very nice, thank you.

19 minutes ago by INTPenis

It actually passes the exit because it's not making the "turn" to it. So it tries a bunch of other paths first before the time comes to try the turn towards the exit.

36 minutes ago by Secretmapper

I'm not sure how kosher this is as it's my own project, but this reminds me of a project I did for college back then:

It's a python/jupyter project though that's just rendered into html. It's over-engineered and over-explained :D

16 minutes ago by feydaykyn

I just saw the line ignoring the exit and continue to search for it, that was... Unexpected!

15 minutes ago by nsb1

Is it just me or are there only two different mazes?

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